Nikki Jackson R.N. F.N.P. Medical Director
Oromia Rural Health Initiative is the fruition of a longtime dream of the Oromian immigrant community in Minneapolis. They wanted to send a team to Ethiopia to bring medical aid and school supplies to the home country. The dream became a reality in 2018, when co-workers Nikki Jackson and Tolcha Gemechu met at work. When Tolcha discovered that Nikki organized and directed missionary medical initiatives in Africa, he asked if she had ever been to Ethiopia. Nikki answered that she had never had an open door to go there, to which Tolcha replied with a smile “I am the door!” Within a year they had organized a 501c3 with a board of directors and began planning a trip to Ethiopia to work with Ambo University’s medical school.
We continue to plan future initiatives. For more information, see our Mission Statement page.
Nikki Jackson R.N. F.N.P. Medical Director
Tolcha Gemechu, M.A. Executive Director
Tadu Gadefa, Secretary
Margaret Mason, Team Initiative Coordinator
Dr. Rundassa Eshete, Financial Advisor
Lisa Buettner, C.N.A. Treasurer, Website Editor
Our last clinic was in a small elementary school. We gave vitamins anti-parasite medicine and pencils to the children, and treated those with medical needs. Then we treated all the adults who came, which numbered about 50-60. All in all, we have seen about 3000-3500 people in clinic this trip. Ambo University hosted us and gave us wheels and interpreters and clinicians for our 2 weeks. We could not have done this work without them. On this last night, we invited all those who helped us to a traditional Ethiopian dinner at the hotel. The President and VPs of the university also attended. They are eager to help their people and hope for partnerships with skilled medical professionals from universities in developed countries. They presented us with traditional Oromiya clothing.